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Hello, Nicholas

Name: Nicholas (Nick) David Keegan (also: “Keegs”)

     Mother:  Patricia (Patti) Big Lake, Minnesota

     Father: Richard (d-1993)

DOB: February 8, 1981

SSN: 589-07-****

Height: 5’11

Weight: 193

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Distinguishing Features: 1.5-inch scar between 6th and 7th ribs, left side.

                                        3-inch scar across heel of palm of left hand.

                                        Tattoo: scales of justice, inner right shoulder beneath clavicle.


Address: 5797 N Fairview Ave, Shoreview MN 55126

Email address:

Twitter Account: @Nicholas_Keegan

Vehicles: 2013 Dodge Charger, Tungsten Metallic Clearcoat 799-RAB

                2009 Pontiac G6, Performance Red Metallic 414-JGQ


Marital Status: Widower. Constance (Connie) Abigail Keegan, née: Peterson (d- 08/10/16)

     Mother: Marianne- Phoenix, Arizona

     Father: Paul- Phoenix, Arizona 

     Sister: Mindy- Minneapolis, Minnesota


Education: University of Maryland, College Park (2000-2006):

                      M.A. Criminology & Criminal Justice

                      B.A. Psychology

                      B.S. Computer Science


                      Jacksonville High School, Jacksonville Florida (1997-2000)


Known Associates: Burt Blevins- (Major, Jacksonville Sheriff's Department) Jacksonville, Florida

                             Terrance O'Neill- (Executive Assistant Director, FBI) Stafford, Virginia

                                James (Jim) Harris- (Lieutenant, Bakersfield P.D.) Bakersfield, California

                                Valerie Shianco- (Senior Analyst, VICAP) Fredericksburg, Virginia

                                William (Bill) Quentin- (ASAC, FBI Minneapolis) Maple Grove, Minnesota

                                Morgan Bates- (Chief of Minnetonka P.D.) Minnetonka, Minnesota


Tae Kwon Do- Black Belt, 2nd degree

Weapons of choice: Glock 17, 9mm. Glock 22 .40cal (standard issue)



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